The project of a network of Equality Correspondents in each INSU/AA laboratory was realized in December 2021. Initiated by an SF2A /INSU initiative, this pilot network for INSU in the Astronomy-Astrophysics community, will be extended to all INSU components in the coming months. This decision was motivated by the work of the AA foresight in 2019 and by the recommendations which resulted from it.  

This network consists of at least two people per laboratory, appointed by the laboratory council, ideally mixed with a young female colleague.  

Able to communicate in English with the members of the unit, the correspondents are accessible and available to all staff (researchers, ITAs, students, …), permanent or not. They are in charge of informing about the existence of the network via INSU, SF2A, unit management, etc.; to carry out their mission, they will receive training and will have access to resources and tools made available by the supervisory bodies. Their action is in keeping with the prerogatives of the unit management.  

Their mission is described in the mission letter of the correspondents of the INSU Equality AA network dated December 30, 2021, which can be consulted here.  

  • to ensure the link with the Equality AA network and to interact with the whole CNRS system (correspondents of the regional delegations, MPDF) and other supervisory bodies, to share good practices, to initiate common actions;
  • to relay information (SF2A, MPDF, INSU, other tutelles…) on initiatives, good practices, tools and actions to prevent and fight against professional inequalities and gender bias in the units;
  • to organize, if possible in coordination with other supervisory bodies, awareness-raising meetings for newcomers, whatever the category of staff, temporary or permanent; – to implement the tools made available by the CNRS and the other supervisory bodies;
  • to ensure the representation of women in general (visibility, bodies, communication without stereotypes, events, etc.);
  • to contribute to the establishment and dissemination of gendered statistics on the unit’s personnel;
  • to facilitate the organization of regular meetings and communication actions on equality issues within the laboratory;
  • to advise unit directors on equality issues, for their interventions during general assemblies and laboratory councils, in which they will remind the existence and missions of the Equality AA network correspondents;
  • to contribute to the prevention and fight against acts of violence, moral or sexual harassment and sexist behaviour at work and all forms of discrimination by raising awareness of the identification of these situations. The role of the Equality correspondents is to direct employees who consider themselves to be victims to the reporting mechanisms of their employers, and to alert the laboratory’s management, subject to anonymity if these employees so request and in strict compliance with the rules of confidentiality; the members of the network are there to listen but must not under any circumstances become involved in the processing and investigation of these cases beyond the point of reporting them. .

In this mission, IRAP’s management has chosen to confirm the 3 equality correspondents: Sylvie Brau-Nogué, Rungployphan Kieokaew and Marc Monnereau. To contact them, there is only one address egalite[at]irap.omp.eu, and you can also contact one of them specifically. You will find their contact in the laboratory directory.

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