
Sexual harassment in the workplace …. everyone’s business

Where does seduction end? Where does the harassment begin? 3 out of 4 French people have difficulty making the difference. In France, 1 woman out of 5 is a victim of sexual harassment at work. How to react ? How to prevent it? A documentary entitled “Harcèlement sexuel au travail, l’affaire de tous ” gives […]


#StillSearching: 1 in 2 female scientists revealed having been victim of sexual harassment at work

The L’Oréal foundation has published the results of their survey (#StillSearching : Mobility against the sexual and sexist violence in science) on the sexual and sexist violence in science. It’s an international study led by IPSOS for the L’Oréal foundation. 5200 scientists from 117 countries have participated. This report is published by the foundation in […]


Violence at work is not a personal or private problem…

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and the World of Work… a look back at the 2015 VIRAGE campaign Sylvie Cromer was invited by the Equality Mission of the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA) to present the results of VIRAGE, a statistical survey in the general population that collected, among other things, declarations of interpersonal violence suffered […]



The mechanism for reporting acts of violence, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment and sexist behavior at work is now fully operational at the CNRS. The generic address signalement@cnrs.fr can be used by any agent who wishes to report actions falling within the field covered by the circular. Thus, this address can be used by agents […]


The bystander effect or bystander apathy

The bystander effect (or bystander apathy) is a social psychological phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when others are present. The higher the number of spectators, the less likely it is that is that any one of them will be able to help. In a figurative way, if […]



The project of a network of Equality Correspondents in each INSU/AA laboratory was realized in December 2021. Initiated by an SF2A /INSU initiative, this pilot network for INSU in the Astronomy-Astrophysics community, will be extended to all INSU components in the coming months. This decision was motivated by the work of the AA foresight in […]


Equality correspondents at INSU

“Following the discussions that took place during the INSU AA 2019 prospect, at the CSAA and the actions of the SF2A in terms of parity/equality, the INSU entrusted the Astronomy-Astrophysics domain with being the pilot for the implementation of a network of Equality correspondents. This initiative is also the result of close cooperation with the […]

