Against violences

Against violences

IRAP’s Equality website is currently being translated into English

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Prevention and fight against sexual and gender-based violence

L'Iceberg de la Violence Sexiste


Manifestations of sexism at work are multifaceted, can be experienced differently by those who experience it, and can have repercussions on employees’ working lives.


A number of acts and behaviours based on sex (discrimination or insults on the grounds of sex) or with sexual connotations (sexual harassment, etc.) already targeted by the law, by what is known as “ordinary sexism” is the subject of a specific provision in the Labour Code concerning the prohibition of “all sexist behaviour“, (law of 17 August 2015 on social dialogue and employment). The law of 8 August 2016 on labour, the modernisation of social dialogue and the securing of professional careers reinforced these provisions.


– Trois outils pour le monde du travail

A tool to fight sexism

Supported by the Conseil supérieur de l’Égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes (CSEP) a kit ” Agir contre le sexisme au travail “ is available to all; it contains reference sheets for victims of sexist behaviour, employers, human resources departments and staff representatives, and proposes ten levers of action to act within the company against sexism.

A tool to raising awareness against ordinary sexism

A plateform dedicated to ordinary sexism has been created by the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. This awareness and information tool has been designed to understand and fight against ordinary sexism.

Sexual harassment

January 2019: prévenir le harcèlement sexuel au travail (ANDRH white paper intended to give benchmarks and keys to RHs but not only! )

March 2018: analyse et recommendations du comité d’éthique du CNRS

Collective against Sexual Harassment in Higher Education : CLASHES 

Association for Victim Assistance

The Wall of Hands: a code to help people in control talk about it (see the official campaign website here)

The Wall of Hands
A black dot to talk about it ….

this is a black dot drawn in the hand, which shown to a trusted person means : “I am a victim of violence, I need help and I have difficulties to talk about it freely”

In real life, the person who sees this code is tasked of discreetly initiating the conversation, and referring the victim to appropriate professional structures.

  • AFVT : The European association against violence against women at work is an autonomous feminist association which defends the rights at work and the integrity of the person. Its field of action and reflection is all forms of violence against women. On the AFVT website, you will find a lot of advice and tools to help you gather the evidence you need to file a complaint.
  • Managed by the ‘Défenseure des droits et des associations’, the platform, is a service for reporting and helping victims of discrimination, in order to assist them free of charge to restore their rights. The platform is also accessible by a telephone number: 3928. Specialized lawyers , specially trained in discrimination, can listen to you and answer your questions.

Gender-based and sexual violence, legal classification

  • Criminal offences (délits in french): sexual harassment, sexual assault, discrimination, sexual exhibition, moral harassment, telephone harassment, pornography, verbal abuse, physical abuse, gender-based outrage
  • Crimes: rape

Different forms of violence sexist and sexual violence at work? what does the law say? what are the sanctions? See this table extracted from the  booklet AGIR CONTRE LES VIOLENCES SEXISTES ET SEXUELLES AU TRAVAIL published by the Centre Hubertine Auclert.


Find the contact persons in order to best accompany people who are victims of discrimination, harassment or any other violence, tools exist and are available to agents according to their administration or that of the laboratory (IRAP, CNRS-DR14, UT3)

A sheet on the existing tools has been written, it can be consulted here


Videos about it …
