Equality between women and men has been declared a “major national cause”.

The framework

Engagement of IRAP

The present charter is intended to specify the present actions and the lines of work that will be carried out in the next years by IRAP at all levels where possible:

  • commitment to work towards parity in the steering, administrative, technical, and scientific teams and in the recruitment of doctoral students;
  • prevention of all forms of violence, discrimination, and harassment;
  • information and awareness;
  • training and evolving of mentalities.

The reflection is open within this unit, and this charter is intended to evolve.

IRAP is committed to the implementation of concrete and visible actions:

  • ensure that the culture of equality is integrated into the institution’s policy;
  • create the conditions for equal access to jobs and professional responsibilities, promote and progress towards an equitable representation of women and men in the teams responsible for governance, scientific and technical policy, and recruitment;
  • fight against sexist stereotypes and discrimination. Any discrimination, particularly on the basis of gender, origin, appearance, family status, sexual orientation, or disability, is prohibited;
  • correct the imbalances linked to professional careers by supporting women in the management of their careers, creating a professional network, and facilitating support in situations of pregnancy, parenthood, and the articulation of professional life and personal life.


A number of systems and tools are in place, some of which are provided by the CNRS, the University of Toulouse III, and the INSU.

Referent persons

Equality/prevention of discrimination and harassment referents have been identified at IRAP. They have followed a specific training proposed by the CNRS in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence and harassment. IRAP wishes that this unit be composed of 3 persons representing researchers, ITA, and non-permanent staff.

All staff, permanent or contractual, will be able to contact them in complete security and confidentiality. The generic e-mail address dedicated to this cell is egalite[at] These people can be contacted directly; their contact information is available and easily accessible on the laboratory’s website.


This ethical charter will be integrated into the IRAP welcome booklet.

A website on professional equality between women and men created and maintained by the equality team provides information on equality, careers, stereotypes, the fight against violence, communication, etc. 

The laboratory undertakes regular awareness campaigns (leaflets, posters, seminars, etc.).

Tools for reflection

Measuring the evolution of professional inequalities in the laboratory is part of this commitment and will be based on:

  • regular gender-based statistics on employment and workforce (annually);
  • an inventory of professional equality, sexist behavior, and sexual harassment (annual anonymous survey).

The charter can be downloaded in french or english version
