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Where to find financing to start his thesis ?

It’s probably the first step before going on the fun…

Ministerial scholarship

The ministerial scholarship conditions of attribution depend on the laboratory’s the doctoral school. For more informations see directly with the doctoral school:

Organisation scholarship

Their’s many other way to get a financing non-ministerial.
  • Regional councils are such a good way to find funding thesis, in this case, the future supervisor care about the first steps. For more information, contact directly the regional council which is attached to your future laboratory.
  • The European Observatory (ESO) offers each year to fund projects thesis. ESO awards funding to a couple thesis-student. Before undertaking any action, he must find a thesis topic! In this case  the student take care about the steps. The deadline for applications is made of:
  • The Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) co-finance each year tens of PhD. Again, this is a project that receives funding. CNES and future(s) Director(s) Thesis choose the best candidate. The deadline for applications is made each year between January and March, the list of theses are searchable by areas funded via

Business scholarship

Scholarships business, also called CIFRE (Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la recherche), can fund a thesis in collaboration with a company. More information and approaches to scholarship candidates on CIFRE


PhD subject with fundings included

In the case that PhD advisors already found funding for their PhD subject, they can disseminate the information to the entire community through, for example, the Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique (SF2A) astro-jc list. To create an account, it’s here :

The Phd

Ok, well, you have funded… But WHAT is a PhD ? An inexhaustible source of information about the thesis: And of course, stories that go with there

The PhD Thesis

SDU2E doctoral school supervises the PhD thesis redaction. A LaTeX package allowing to generate the official title page of the University de Toulouse is now available here :

And after the PhD…

… Pôle Emploi !!!
To put the odds on his side and to avoid passing through the box unemployment (or to ensure that it is as short as possible), here is a list of sites to visit to try to find the postdoc that suits you best:
  • France :
    • CDS : Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg
    • IN2P3 : Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules
    • ISIS : Information, Signal, Images et viSion
    • Grd PCHE : Groupement de Recherche Phénomènes Cosmiques de Haute Énergie
  • Europe :
    • : Jobs in science, research, academic and administrative employment in the UK & abroad.
    • EAS : European Astronomical Society
    • Euraxess : Union European Commission
    • Helas : European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network
  • United-states:
    • AAS : American Astronomical Society
  • Australie :
    • NRAO : National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • Miscelanous :
And to complete this list, here is a (non-exhaustive) list of contacts offering scholarships for post-doc
