
Les ateliers Astroplasma de l'IRAP

Sessions of 2024:

Each session is planned to be 1h30-2h long, held one Wednesday per month, starting at 10am.

2024-Mar-27B. CrinquandForce-Free Electrodynamics (2)
2024-Feb-21B. CrinquandForce-Free Electrodynamics (1)

Sessions of 2020-2021:

DateIntervenantTopic / TitleLink
Astrophysical magnetism
2020-Nov-04F. RinconIntroduction to MHD dynamospdf
2020-Nov-18J.B. DurriveOn the Origin of Cosmological Magnetic Fieldspdf
Dense plasmas & high-energy density plasmas
2020-Dec-02F. DebrasIntroduction to the physics of dense plasmas in the context of planetary interiors and brown dwarfspdf
2021-Jan-06F. DebrasInterior of giant planets and brown dwarves: theory and experiments of warm dense matterpdf
Particle Acceleration
2021-Jan-20I. PlotnikovFermi acceleration in astrophysicspdf
2021-Feb-10I. PlotnikovMicro and multi-scale simulations of particle accelerationpdf
Astrophysical magnetism (continued)
2021-Mar-3F. RinconIntroduction to dynamos II. Small- and large-scale turbulent dynamo theory and numericspdf
Dynamos I – III
2021-Mar-24F. RinconIntroduction to dynamos III
2021-Apr-14F. RinconChasing asymptotic non-linear dynamospdf
Dense plasmas & high-energy density plasmas (continued)
2021-Jun-16F. SoubiranFrom atoms to planets and stars: what can we learn from ab initio simulations?
Fundamental processes, turbulence/reconnection
2021-Nov-17V. RévilleIntroduction to MHD turbulencepdf
2021-Dec-01D. HoskingThe decay of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and the role of invariants
